About Antidote
You create your own reality. Are you aware of that? Are you consciously doing it? Do you know WHY and HOW?
✔️ If so, you are already living the life of your dreams. Great! I can help you play a bigger game.
❌ If not, let me show you how to consciously create - anything - and let’s get those blocks and subconscious programming out of your way that you might not even know you have.
Ever notice that in some areas of your life - you always seem to be hitting the same wall? Thought so. I can help. I help you remember and re-connect with your own innate light and power and shine it forth into the world.
Unapologetically. Fiercely. Authentically.
I will help you dream BIG - and live your life to the fullest. So you can lay back and avoid making the #1 regret that dying people have, not living a true life.
It’s time to start living. Fully. Doing so is not selfish. By empowering yourself, you’re empowering the planet - and God knows She needs it.
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Our world is sick. You are the antidote.
Our world is sick.
Our bodies are sick.
Our minds are sick.
Thoughts racing. Emotions numb. Too afraid to go without distractions. Too afraid to be instead of do - for it would mean to face, see and feel all of the pain.
But there is an antidote. An entirely different way of be-ing. A way that ultimately leads you to the real you.
The question is: Do you want to take that path? Do you dare?
For in a world that is sick, being healthy can feel dangerous. It means being different. Being authentically YOU. It takes courage to take the antidote. So the question is: What do you choose?
Just as Neo in „The Matrix“ had to decide whether to choose the red pill or the blue one - whether to wake up or stay asleep.
You don’t have to take the antidote. It’s okay if you don’t. You’ll just keep not feeling really well. It might get worse. It might get a little better. One day you’ll be sick enough. But if you choose to take it - you’re about to embark on a journey. A journey towards healing, towards wholeness, towards authenticity. Towards love. Towards truth. A journey to discover who you truly are.
You’ll find your courage, your power, your joy and so much more along the way.
You’ll find yourSelf.
And you’ll become the antidote.