I coach around AUTHENTICITY, authentic communication and empowerment.
Imagine simply being you. No masks. Not trying to impress anyone. Relaxed. At ease. Being okay with who you are, exactly as you are. In any situation. How good would that feel? More so, what could you achieve and how much more energy and fun would you have - whether it be at work, on a date or just being with yourself? This my friend is called AUTHENTICITY. And it is powerful!
This is how we get there…
Private coaching.
You may not realize it, but there are layers upon layers of unconscious programming in your subconscious mind preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams. In your tailored coaching sessions, we will do some energetic digging to uncover the root causes of your issues. We will then use energetic, spiritual and embodiment tools, such as breathwork, to shift stuck energy and bring you back into alignment. I will give you tools to help you rewrite your story and create the new you - the ‘you’ you came here to be.
Business Coaching.
Imagine knowing exactly what the heart and soul of your business really are. Crystal clear structures of communication beyond hierarchical restrictions and ego-based fears? Yep. A foundation built on passion and love for the product or service? Yep. Team members who not only understand the business but also their relationship to it? Yep. Connecting with the core, heart and soul of your business has the power to unlock your business’ unique story, personality and identity which can then be communicated clearly to all team members…and the world.